Sponsorship Opportunities
Thank you for considering sponsorship of the 21st anniversary Wing Ding (2023)! Your support would mean a great deal to the Whale Foundation and our community.
As you may know, the Whale Foundation mission is to promote, restore, and celebrate the well-being of the Grand Canyon river guiding community, and the Wing Ding is our annual celebration to do so. It’s always a good time and a great way for folks to see old friends and make new ones. It is also an important fundraiser for the Foundation that helps make our counseling services and scholarship programs possible.
We have ten sponsorship classes (just like our 10-class river):
Class I: $100
Class II: $200
Class III: $300
Class IV: $400
Class V: $500
Class VI: $1,000
Class VII: $2,500
Class VIII: $5,000
Class IX: $7,500
Class X: $10,000
You can sign up online (link above) or send a check to the Whale Foundation at PO Box 855, Flagstaff, AZ 86002. For more information, email us at whalefoundation@outlook.com or call us at 928.774.9440. We are happy to chat!
From everyone at the Whale Foundation, the Wing Ding crew, and the many guides receiving support from your generous donation, THANK YOU!
*Note: The Whale Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.